Charged and ready for use
Reliable service life
Long-lasting performance
Low self discharge
Long service life
Economical & superior endurance
Environmentally friendly
Designed for enhanced performance in high drain applications
Applicable in any product that runs on 1.5 Volts AA batteries
These Kodak alkaline AA batteries are able to store power for up to 10 years from the date of manufacture. This means that even if you buy these batteries having stayed on the shelf for 4 years, they will still be able to power your device for another 6 years.
Thanks to their low discharge rate, these batteries are extremely resilient in high performance devices such as digital cameras with flash, CD players, portable audio devices, hand held games, 2-way radios, PDAs, microphones, remote controls, computer keyboards & mice, children’s toys, pocket flashlights, remote controls, radio, digital multi-meters, alarm devices, monitoring and security systems, industrial and residential metering systems, emergency location transmitters and beacons, Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and other portable high drain gadgets.
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